Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.


EXTREME HEAT is leading weather-related cause of death. Keep Cool, Keep Hydrated and Stay Safe! Beat the heat by visiting our local businesses (Greater Cornwall Chamber of Commerce) or stay cool at the Cornwall Public Library.

Cornwall Public Library Hours:


9AM-8PM Monday-Thursday

9AM-6PM Friday

9AM-4PM Saturday

1PM-4PM Sunday

(845) 534-8282


**Call 845-534-8100 if you need a cool place of refuge after library hours or in case of power outage. We will open the Mayor Edward C. Moulton, Jr. Board Room, located at Cornwall-on-Hudson Village Hall, 325 Hudson Street in the Lower Village if necessary. Munger Cottage Air Conditioning is down, awaiting repairs.


For weather updates: