Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.

Bandstand September 2024.jpg

Dear Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, visitors, and friends,

Autumn is here. The smell of pumpkin lattes wafting through the crisp Fall air colliding squarely with football season and teachers and children heading back to classrooms for a new school year.

Couple of quick notes: Tonight (Tuesday) begins the time adjustment for our weekly bandstand concert series in Village Square. The time adjustment takes advantage of better daylight hours in September and moves concerts for rest of month up to 6:00 p.m., with concerts concluding at 7:30 p.m. Tonight’s performance will be by the wonderful duo, ONE NIGHT ONLY. Hope to see you there. Next week’s performance will feature STRINGS ATTACHED.

Secondly, if you’ve been following Village board meetings, you know that we are in process of passing a Tree Preservation Law. The Cornwall Conservation Advisory Council, under the able leadership of Carla Castillo, worked diligently to fashion a solid piece of legislation focused on “land development activities” and “clearing activities” . The Town recently passed this legislation with little to no opposition. Counsel for the Village reviewed the law and made some minor tweaks -- tailoring it to Village-specific considerations. The proposed law is posted on the Village website. Go to drop down “Welcome,” find “Village Board,” and then “Proposed Laws” to read the document. There will be a public hearing scheduled for September 16, 2024, allowing for written or public comments related to the proposed legislation. Any issues/concerns – you may also stop in at Village Hall, 325 Hudson Street, to confer with the mayor. This is NOT designed to make difficult the life of the fictional “Mrs.McGillicuddy.” No one will interfere with her removal of a nuisance tree on her private residential property. We all reside in a beautiful region of the state and we want to endeavor to protect our green spaces. Necessary fine balance here for sure. Check out the proposal and come see me with questions.  

On behalf of your Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano
