Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.


Friday, March 12, 2021


Dear Village Folks:


I’m happy to confirm that online payment of utility bills (water, sewer and garbage) will begin in April. More details will be available soon.


The board passed the Police Reform Plan at its March 8 Work Session. The board made a few minor changes. I sent the plan to Albany the next day. Again, thanks to the members of the committee. 


We also discussed the proposed short-term rental law at the work session and suggested some changes. We hope to post the proposed law next week. The Public Hearing on the proposed law will be postponed to our April 19 Business Meeting.


The Village Election is Tuesday, March 16, from noon to 9 p.m. at Village Hall.


Enjoy the spring-like weather and have a good weekend.


All the best,

Brendan Coyne



Changing the clocks has become a good time to check and replace smoke detectors in our home ( now it includes carbon monoxide detectors).

Please check and install the necessary detectors.

Carbon Monoxide Safety



Friday, March 5, 2021


Dear Village Folks:


The next Village Work Session is Monday, February 8, via teleconference. The agenda includes the Police Reform Plan. The Police Reform Committee has worked over the course of three months and I believe the plan is appropriate for a small Village like ours that has a low crime rate. I am grateful to the 13 members of the committee. The Village must file its plan in Albany by April 1.


We will hope discuss the proposed short-term rental law. We plan to hold a Public Hearing on the proposed law at our March 22 Business Meeting.


The Village Election is Tuesday, March 16, from noon to 9 p.m. at Village Hall. Registration day is tomorrow, Saturday, March 6, from noon to 5 p.m. at Village Hall.


The weather has been back and forth, typical of March. But warmer days are coming and spring will soon be here so we can get out more often.


Have a good weekend!


All the best,

Brendan Coyne


Orange County Vaccine help

Need Help Getting Signed Up for the COVID-19 Vaccine? Orange County is here to help. Visit their website at
¿Necesita ayuda parainscribirse en la vacunaCOVID-19? Visite sitio web en
Need Help Getting Signed Up for the COVID-19 Vaccine?
¿Necesita ayuda parainscribirse en la vacunaCOVID-19?


Friday, February 26, 2021

Dear Village Folks:

So, the Village Board approved my signing the contract for the Donahue Farm property Monday night and I signed it the next day. The 47-acre property now belongs to the residents of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson. We’ll form a planning committee in the near future and start working on how to best enjoy this beautiful place.

The purchase culminated a whirlwind of activity in January and February during which the Village annexed 39 acres in the Town of Cornwall to help the Village manage the Black Rock Water Treatment Plant on the property. The Village will save $60,000 annually in town and school taxes.

The Village has also sought and received permission from the Palisades Interstate Park Commission to create a hiking trail on its 45-acre parcel along Rt. 218 that runs down to the Hudson River. The Village’s Riverfront Committee has begun meeting with the New York/New Jersey Trail Conference for guidance in developing a trail.     

And all three parcels will benefit from the 2020 Comprehensive Plan, also passed in the last two months. The plan, the first one in 60 years, will provide a roadmap for the parcels and the rest of the Village.

These developments will greatly enhance the quality of life for all of us.  

Enjoy your weekend!

All the best,

Brendan Coyne



Friday, February 19, 2021

Dear Village Folks:

The white stuff keeps coming down and our public works guys keep clearing it away. Dave Halvorsen and his crew are doing a great job. So many hours, so many safe streets and sidewalks. Thank you!

Our next Village Board meeting is at 7 p.m. Monday, February 22, by teleconference. Among items on the agenda is the approval of the purchase of the Donahue Farm property.  

The Police Reform Committee will hold its fifth and last meeting at 7 p.m., Tuesday, February 23, via teleconference. The committee will review its latest draft report before sending it to the Village Board. The report is on our website. The Village Board must send its report to Albany by April 1.

We often get inquiries about online payment of utility bills (garbage, sewer and water). I’m happy to report that online payment is coming! Several staff members and I will be involved in a training session next week. We don’t have a launch date yet, but we will let you know as soon as we can.

Have a good weekend!

All the best,

Brendan Coyne



Friday, February 12, 2021


Dear Village Folks:

The Village created a bit of history Monday night, annexing property from the Town of Cornwall and adopting a new comprehensive plan.


The Village Board met with the Town Board to conduct a joint Public Hearing regarding the annexation. It was the first joint meeting in more than a dozen years. It would appear that everyone recognizes the benefits to all because no one spoke at the public hearing. Attorney for the Village John Furst outlined the benefits, including a more efficient operation of the Village water system and the annual savings of $60,000 in town and school taxes. Later, in separate meetings, both boards approved the annexation.


The Village Board also passed the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Monday night. I want to thank the Comprehensive Plan Committee, Led Klosky, chair; Mary Aspin, Deputy Chair; Dominic Cordisco, Bill Grisoli and Lorraine McGuinness. They worked for over the course of three years to provide the Village a blueprint for its future development. This is an historic moment for the Village: Our previous Comprehensive Plan was 60 years old. Thanks also to Jeff Small, former Village Planning Board chair, who attended many of the work meetings.


Enjoy the weekend! Stay warm. Stay safe.

All the best,

Brendan Coyne



Friday, February 2, 2021

Dear Village Folks:

What a snow storm! We haven’t had so much snow in some time.

Thanks once again to our Public Works employees for digging us out and clearing our streets. They worked long hours to keep us safe. I also want to thank our Water Department employees for clearing our water supply properties to keep the water flowing.

The agreement allowing the Village to create a hiking trail on the property owned by the Palisades Interstate Park Commission has spurred some conversation. Bob McCue has just published a new book, Cornwall Landing – Our Times and I’ve enjoyed talking with him about the past and future of the property once owned by the Consolidated Edison utility company. Bob’s book is filled with photos, including some of the former hotel, the Villa Pennisi that once stood on the Palisades property. Bob has graciously donated a copy of his book to the Village Museum.

The Village Board and Cornwall Town Board will hold a joint public hearing at 7 p.m. Monday regarding annexation of town property where the Village has its Black Rock Water Treatment Plant. The annexation will save the Village $60,000 in town and school taxes annually.

I’m are still working on details of the purchase of the Donahue Farm property. We hope to close soon.

Monday’s Village Work Session includes a resolution to pass a new comprehensive plan. I’m grateful to our Comprehensive Plan Committee that has held more than 30 meetings over three years in working on a document to replace our 60-year-old plan.

Have a great weekend!

All the best,

Brendan Coyne



Friday, January 29, 2021

Dear Village Folks:

Baby, it’s cold outside! Hope you are all keeping warm and safe.        

At our busy Business Meeting Monday night, the Village Board passed a dozen or so resolutions. We postponed passing the 2020 Comprehensive Plan so trustees could take a look at yet another revised draft. I hope to pass the plan at our February 8 Work Session. I’m looking forward to passing the plan – our current Comprehensive Plan is 60 years old.

The board discussed the annexation of Cornwall Town property where the Village has its Black Rock Water Treatment Plant. The annexation has been on my radar for many months. It will save the Village $60,000 in town and school taxes. I am grateful to Supervisor Dick Randazzo and the Town Board for agreeing to allow the Village to annex the property.

We talked about the purchase of the Donahue Farm property. I’m still working on details with counsel and our engineering firm, and the board is researching financing. 

The board also discussed the property owned by the Palisades Interstate Park Commission at the Rt. 218 gate. The commission has granted the Village permission to create a hiking trail on the property. I’ve long wanted to regain use of this property, which Consolidated Edison took from the Village to build a power plant on Storm King Mountain. When Con Ed lost the “Battle of Storm King Mountain,” it gave the property to the Palisades commission.

The Village Riverfront Committee hiked the property last Saturday. Chairman Dave Work and I met with the New York/New Jersey Trail Conference on Monday for guidance on creating the new trail. Some of you will be familiar with the hotel that once graced the property; it had several names, one of them being the Villa Pennisi.

All the best,

Brendan Coyne



January 22, 2021


Dear Village Folks:


I want to the commend the RiverFest Committee for taking a positive outlook on this year’s celebration of Hudson River.


At its meeting this past Wednesday, the RiverFest Committee decided to proceed with the intention that RiverFest will happen on June 6, 2021. Chairman Wynn Gold will update the website and FB page in the next few days. The committee will begin accepting vendor applications with the caveat that payments will be returned if the event is cancelled again. The committee will also start booking bands with the same understanding. Ultimately, New York State will decide whether RiverFest can happen.


As I’ve mentioned several times during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley is providing a great service to people in need of food. The Food Bank, located in our Village, is always looking for volunteers. You can reach the Food Bank at 534-5344.


Please support our restaurants. And stay safe!


All the best,

Brendan Coyne
