April 27, 2022
Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:
Spring has sprung in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York. If any doubt existed, the daffodils blooming along Hudson Street, thanks to former Deputy Mayor Barbara Gosda and her intrepid team of COH cultivators, should expel any potential doubts.
For this edition of the Mayor’s Message, how about a little acknowledgement of our four trustees? Elected to two-year terms, these four public servants – I can assure you – ain’t here for the money. I could not be any more humbled and privileged to receive their counsel across a host of issues affecting our Village. It’s a good feeling at every gathering to know I won’t be the smartest man in any room these four share with me. Here’s a few “fast facts” about each of our electeds, along with photograph in their “natural habitats”:
Deputy Mayor James “Jim” Kane

Jim Kane was just re-elected to his seventh term on the Village Board. As our longest-tenured trustee and a practicing attorney, he brings a wealth of legal knowledge to the Board and is still serving in the U.S. Army Reserves as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps. Jim is a profligate DIY’er (do-itself-yourselfer) and enjoys mixed success with home projects.
Trustee David Carnright

Trustee Dave Carnright is ubiquitous around these parts. Retired from Central Hudson and a Cornwall Lifer, he continues to serve our community by driving a bus that safely gets our kids from home to school. One of the founding members of Cornwall Youth Football, Dave serves on more volunteer committees than can be chronicled on one page. Just consider this – If it’s “a day that ends in y,” consider Dave to be in attendance at a meeting that betters our community.
Trustee Richard “Rich” Gaillard

Rich was just re-elected to his second term on the Village Board and brings valuable business acumen to our august body. Known for his costume “flair,” Rich’s modish wardrobe is the envy of every fashion-conscious gentlemen. He also brings practicality and a common-sense approach to deliberations.
Trustee William “Bill” Braine

Bill was elected to his first-term as a Village Trustee in March of 2021 and has assumed the responsibilities of the Board’s interface with the Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department and as its liaison to the Donahue Farm Property Steering/Planning Committee. Blessed with a wry wit and possessing a keen eye, another of Bill’s gifts is the ability to cut through the “noise” and sense “blind spots.”
We are all truly blessed that these four serve on our behalf.
Mayor James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano