Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.

Friday, May 1, 2020


Village Folks:


A new month, with hopes that we will see some progress in how New York State deals with COVID-19. The pause button is still on until Friday, May 15.


Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced schools would not re-open this school year. Seniors will be graduating, however, and yard signs congratulating 2020 graduates are popping up. Our school district has a new superintendent. Terry Dade, from the Rochester school district, will start in July. Best wishes to Neal Miller, who served the district for seven years.


Village Hall doors remain closed while we provide essential services; our boards will continue to hold meetings virtually. If you have questions, contact us at 534-4200 or [email protected]. Our website is

So, some more ideas on what to do as the stay-at-home protocol continues. Hudson Highlands Nature Museum, with locations in the Village and the Town of Cornwall, provides places to visit, activities to try and animals to see at its website: With spring here, you may want to start a flower and/or vegetable garden. In addition to offering beauty and edibles, gardening burns 135 calories in 30 minutes and releases hormones that improve one’s frame of mind.

The Storm King Mountain trailhead has been quite busy lately. Scenic Hudson, which owns the trailhead, requests that hikers return at another time if the parking lot is full. 


When you can, please continue ordering take-out food to support our local businesses. And to our ever-expanding list of people we are grateful for, let’s add postal workers.

As we continue to cope with the pandemic, let’s help each other day by day.

Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne


Friday, April 24, 2020

Village Folks:

So, Village residents appear to have COVID-19 protocol down. We’ve sort of settled into a new routine.

Village government has been holding virtual meetings to keep providing essential services. If you have a question, please contact us at 534-4200 or [email protected] for Village business. Visit our website ( for information on the Village.

A number of local events have been postponed or canceled due to the virus. The vehicle parade, planned by Cornwall-on-Hudson Elementary School that had been tentatively scheduled for today, has been postponed. The American Legion will conduct a brief ceremony on Memorial Day but no parade. I’m sorry to report that RiverFest has been canceled.

Governor Cuomo has not said anything new about when our schools will open. And the pause button is still on until Friday, May 15.

While life has come to a standstill in many ways, lots of activities are taking place virtually. People are setting up gatherings, taking classes and touring all over the world. You can get some ideas by joining Things to Do in the Hudson Valley on Facebook. Please continue to support our local businesses by ordering take-out food when you can.

In addition to our health professionals and first responders, let’s be grateful to clergy and therapists who help us deal with anxiety and saying farewell to loved ones.

I thank you for your patience in complying with safety protocol. Let’s continue to help each other get through this challenging time.


Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne


April 20, 2020 Business Meeting

Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, the Village Board will NOT be meeting in person. In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 202.1, the meeting will be held via videoconferencing and a telephone conference call. A transcript will be available at a later date. The public will have the opportunity to hear the meeting live and provide comments. At 7 p.m., the public can watch the live meeting online via the GotoMeeting App.

If you have a computer, tablet or smartphone you can register, log in and see the video and hear the audio of the live meeting. You can access the GotoMeeting at and click “Join Meeting”, and enter ID: 421-978-749. You can also listen by dialing +1 (571) 317-3112 and entering access code 421-978-749. Comments can also be provided via e-mail before and after the meeting to the Mayor, Brendan Coyne, at [email protected], and Village Clerk, Jeanne Mahoney, at [email protected] . The Village Board will also accept written comments up to and until May 1, 2020; they can be e-mailed to the above addresses as well.



Notice is hereby given that the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Board of Trustees will hold Attorney Client Session prior to the Business Meeting at 6:30 p.m., Monday, April 20, 2020 via telephone/video conference.

                                                BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

                                                VILLAGE OF CORNWALL-ON-HUDSON

                                                Jeanne Mahoney

                                                Village Clerk


Village of Cornwall on Hudson

Department of Public Works

325 Hudson Street

Cornwall on Hudson, NY 12520

Located At 50 Shore Road


Repairs of Hudson Street due to new gas line installation

Crews from Blacktop Maintenance Corporation will be performing the repairs on Hudson St from Maple Ave to the Top of Dockhill Rd. 

The work is tentatively scheduled to start on Monday April 20 2020 with work starting on the North bound lane.

On Tuesday April 21st thru Friday April 24th the South bound lane will be milled and paved. There will be NO PARKING on that side during working hours (7:30am until 5:00pm) as they will be milling and paving from curb to center line. They will be posting NO PARKING SIGNS.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation.        


     David Halvorsen

    Superintendent of Public Works

Friday, April 17, 2020

Village Folks:

The Village is handling COVID-19 well. We are fortunate to have caring residents and dedicated employees. Contact us at 534-4200 or [email protected] for Village business.

My thanks to Storm King Fire Engine Company for helping the Easter Bunny tour the Village on Easter Sunday - for making us smile and lifting our spirits. The teachers and staff at Cornwall-on-Hudson Elementary are tentatively planning to have a car parade throughout the Village at 2:30 Friday, April 24.

In case you haven’t heard, St. Thomas and the Cornwall Presbyterian Church in the Village, and other churches in the Town of Cornwall, are holding services online.

Following the installation of the new gas lines, repairs to Hudson Street will begin Monday, April 20. Be aware of changes in traffic patterns and parking.

We still don’t know when the Village election, originally scheduled for March 18, will be held. As I mentioned last week, the annual re-organization meeting, which generally occurs the first Monday in April, must take place after the election. Until then the Village is holding over all current officials, both elected and appointed.

The Village Board will hold its monthly Business Meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, April 20, a virtual meeting, as it did its March 23 meeting. The public may watch and speak during public hearing and public comment segments. Directions on how to participate will be available through the Village’s Facebook page and website ( I ask that if you do wish to speak, please be brief and understand the unusual format. And remember, you can always call or email me.

Of course, health professionals and first responders are always on our minds in times like this and we thank them for their sacrifices. Let’s also be grateful to our farmers, farmworkers and food preparers.

As you have probably heard, Governor Cuomo has issued an executive order that we must wear masks in public when are unable to maintain the distance of six feet. And he has extended the pause button until Friday, May 15.

So, let’s keep on keeping on. Let’s remember our families, friends and neighbors and lend a hand, or an ear, during these tough times.

Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne


Friday, April 10, 2020

Dear Village Folks:

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation as the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson deals with COVID-19.

Village Hall Office doors will remain closed through Friday, May 1. Village employees are continuing to provide essential services and conduct village business, onsite and remotely. Please contact us at 534-4200 or [email protected] for questions regarding Village business. You may visit our website at

The spring bulk cleanup will begin the week of Monday, May 18. The Village election has been delayed until June; we will be getting further guidance on the election next week. The annual re-organization meeting will take place after the election; the village is holding over all current officers, including trustees and appointed officials, until then.

Lots of people are enjoying Donahue Memorial Park at Cornwall Landing. Others are hiking Storm King Mountain. The Esty & Hellie Stowell Trailhead for Storm King Mountain is located where Hudson Avenue becomes Bayview Avenue (Route 218). There’s plenty of parking.

More to do: Cornwall Public Library now subscribes to Hoopla, a video streaming service that provides access to hundreds of thousands of digital Items for free with a Cornwall Library card. The Arts Mid-Hudson website offers many virtual events, exhibits and resources.

We are grateful to our health professionals and first responders. Let’s also remember to thank our truckers, news reporters and radio DJs.

Police Chief Steve Dixon has been distributing flyers reminding people to keep distancing. And the Centers for Disease Control is now recommending wearing masks when we go out. As always, let’s deposit trash in their proper receptacles.

Cornwall-on-Hudson is a vibrant community. Let’s keep it so by being in touch with our families, friends and neighbors during this challenging time.

Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne


Friday, April 3, 2020

Dear Village Folks:

I want to thank you all for your patience and cooperation as we cope with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). While Village Hall Office doors remain closed, Village employees continue to work to provide services and conduct business.

The Village will resume regular yard debris pickup Monday, April 6. The spring bulk cleanup will begin the week of Monday, May 18.

For any questions regarding Village business, please contact us at 534-4200 or [email protected]. The dropbox marked BILLS on the parking lot side of Village Hall has been working well. Thanks.

Looking for something to do? The Food Bank of the Hudson Valley at 195 Hudson Street still needs volunteers. Contact Dexter Alston, Volunteer Coordinator, at:

Remember to file your 2020 Census questionnaire. If you need help, please call this toll-free number: 1-844-330-2020.

In addition to our health professionals and first responders, let’s be sure to thank our food workers, supermarket staff and postal workers.

For recreation, in addition to Donahue Memorial Park at the riverfront, the Village offers Roe Park on the Boulevard and the trails behind the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum, also on the Boulevard.

It is important that we maintain our sense of community during these challenging days. Let’s check in with our families, friends and neighbors. Let’s greet one another and wish each other good health. I am grateful to you for helping the Village get through this difficult time.

Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne


Dear Residents:

I want to thank you all for your patience and cooperation as we cope with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Village Hall Office doors are closed and will continue to remain closed until Friday, April 10, 2020, at which time we’ll determine if it is safe to open. We are staggering hours to provide Village services and conduct Village business.

Please continue to pay bills through the dropbox marked BILLS on the parking lot side of Village Hall to limit interaction between residents and village employees. If you have questions about Village business, please contact us at 534-4200 or [email protected]

Senior citizens may wish to take advantage of Safe Seniors, an assistance program provided by the Village Police Department. See link.

If you’d like to volunteer, the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley, right here in the Village at 195 Hudson Street, is always looking for volunteers, now more than ever. To volunteer, check the website:

Please follow the guidelines of the Center for Disease Control regarding hygiene and isolating. Let’s take care of ourselves, families and neighbors. In addition to our health professionals and first responders, let’s be grateful for our Village public works, water and clerical employees.

It’s good to see so many people walking, jogging and bicycling. Enjoy Donahue Memorial Park and the Village’s other parks.  Let’s continue to support our local restaurants by ordering food to take out.

The Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson is a strong community. Let’s help one another get through this challenging time. Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne, Mayor

Dear Residents:

In response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), I will continue to inform you of additional steps the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson is taking to function and provide services. New York State and Orange County are providing new information daily.

Village Hall Office doors will remain closed until Monday, March 30, 2020, at which time the Village Board will determine whether it is safe to open. We continue to conduct village business.

Please continue to pay bills through the dropbox marked BILLS on the side of Village Hall to limit interaction residents and village employees and thereby safeguard everyone’s health. If you have questions about village business, please contact us at 534-4200 or [email protected]

Senior citizens may wish to take advantage of Safe Seniors, an assistance program provided by the Village Police Department. See link.

The Comprehensive Plan Committee will hold an information meeting on its draft plan at a date to be announced. See link.

The state has opened a virus testing facility at Anthony Wayne recreation area to serve Orange and Rockland residents. If you have symptoms, you may schedule an appointment to be tested by calling your physician or 888- 364-3065. Please don’t just show up at the site, or any hospital, because facilities are being inundated and the health of workers is being jeopardized.

Please follow the guidelines of the Center for Disease Control regarding hygiene and isolating. Let’s take care of ourselves, families and neighbors. Let’s be grateful for our health professionals, first responders and all those providing services. Let’s support our local restaurants by ordering takeout.

Working together we will get through this challenging time. Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne, Mayor