Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.

Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson
Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson's Article

May 30, 2023

Dear Residents and Friends of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson,

Please see the attendant photo attachments that highlight our 2023 Bandstand Concert series schedule (that begins tonight at 6:30 p.m.), the upcoming Movies on the Hudson event (Top Gun Maverick) scheduled for this Friday evening at the riverfront, beginning with a musical set from The Gioias at 6:30 p.m., and finally, top off your weekend with culmination of 2023 RiverFest at Donahue Memorial Park on Sunday, June 4th, between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Hope to see you at one, two, or all of three of these quintessentially Cornwall-on-Hudson events.

On behalf of your Village Board,
James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


On Monday, May 29, 2023, at approximately 10:00am, the Cornwall American Legion will be hosting its' annual, Memorial Day Parade, which "kicks- off" at Payson Road in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson and proceeds westbound on Hudson Street, then westbound on Main Street, in the Town of Cornwall. There will be a formal Memorial Day Service at the Cornwall Monument located at Veterans Way/ Main Street (opposite Cornwall Town Hall), immediately following the Parade.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Memorial Day Parade, there will be NO PARKING from 8:00am till 12:00pm on both sides of Hudson Street from Payson Road west to First Street, in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y.

On behalf of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., Police Department, have a safe and healthy Memorial Day!!


Best Regards,

Chief Steven E. Dixon

V/ Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., Police Department


The Orange County Clerk’s Mobile DMV is coming to town Thursday June 29th to Village Hall 325 Hudson Street



May 12, 2023


Dear Residents and Friends of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson,

It’s Friday night – make it your own personal “date night” with the return of our “Movies on the Hudson” at Donahue Memorial Park. All the fun begins at 6:00 p.m. when "First Round" takes to the stage to play some of your favorite car-cruising music. Then once the sun sets, sit back and enjoy the original “Fast and Furious” movie from 2001. Weather forecast is absolutely PERFECT. What a way to spend an evening along the majestic Hudson River. I’ll be there to welcome all! Please don’t use that as a solid reason not to attend.

We also “cut the ribbon” this morning at our new composting toilets facility and they will remain open well past dusk tonight to conveniently service all of our band/movie attendees!

On behalf of your Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano



Dear Residents and Friends of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson,
This, why I do so enjoy the discoveries by the Village’s Records Management Clerk, Barbara Pflughaupt. How about this gem – a posted WANTED decree from the Village Board of Trustees seeking information leading to the arrest and conviction of the trespassing rapscallion(s) behind the after-hours “destroying [of] books, plugging locks and [commission of] other depredations” at the old Cornwall-on-Hudson Library, all during the Roaring Twenties? Absolute GOLD.
One can only wonder what those “depredations” were -- left as ambiguous vagaries by then Village Clerk Fred B. King and noticed on behalf of the Village Board on August 1, 1925.
We’ve located no subsequent posting of the successful apprehension(s) by COHPD within our 1925 records. So, the 2023 Village Board encourages all residents to keep their eyes peeled. If you see something, say something. Let’s locate and bring to justice these vandals – all of whom must be aged around 120 years old now. Justice delayed is justice denied.
With tongue planted firmly in cheek and on behalf of your Village Board,
James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano

April 21, 2023

Mayor’s Message

To all Cornwall-on-Hudson and Cornwall residents:

It is with profound sadness that I announce on behalf of the Moulton family that the Village’s 26th mayor, Edward C. Moulton Jr., 92, passed away early yesterday morning in Ossining, New York. Mayor Moulton served as the Village’s longest-tenured chief executive between 1981 and 2007. I have been in contact with the family via his son, Curt, and have been advised that a posted obituary is pending and that there will be a funeral service held on Saturday, May 20, 2023, at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Cornwall, NY, replete with full U.S. Military honors for the 20-year United States Air Force veteran. Mayor Moulton is predeceased by his beloved wife, Floranne (Terwilliger) Moulton.

The Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York will acknowledge Mayor Moulton’s lifetime of dedication and service to our nation and to this community. Flags have been ordered to be lowered to half-mast position in the Village and in the Town of Cornwall. Purple mourning bunting applied to Village Hall. This honoring shall remain in effect until our former mayor’s cremains have been inurned. Town Supervisor Josh Wojehowski has directed all Town of Cornwall flags assume the same posture. CCSD Superintendent Terry Dade has ordered the flag at COHES to be lowered until Monday, as well. Mrs. Moulton was a longtime teacher in the Cornwall Central School District.

I will share appropriate memoriam in the Cornwall Local in an attempt to capture what Mayor Moulton has meant to this community since moving here in 1972. Please keep the family in your prayers.

Attached are photos that showcase Village Hall mourning posture, as well as photos that include Mayor Moulton from the May 4, 2021 Village Mayors Round Table, shortly before the Village Board voted to approve naming the Board Room in Mayor Moulton’s honor.

Rest in peace, sir.

On behalf of the Village Board,

Mayor Gagliano

Mayor’s Message [2023 Summer Playground Camp Edition]:

Village residents,

Attached are two important notices that highlight arrangements made between the Town of Cornwall, Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, and Cornwall Central School District; related to 2023 Summer Camp/Summer Playground. With almost all of the district’s school facilities being taken offline this summer for necessary renovations and repairs, the CCSD recognized the inherent difficulties for working parents if our municipalities were unable to secure a school venue to host our camps this year -- and possibly next year, as well.

A deal was struck to conjoin the Village and Town camps and utilize Cornwall Elementary School, located at 99 Lee Road in Cornwall, NY 12518. For efficiency and oversight purposes and to limit footprint of an expected 250 (give or take) grade school kids, kindergarteners will be directed to the Town’s Kinder Kamp (flyer one) and rising first through eighth graders will enroll as per instructions provided on flyer two. There will be no separations or distinctions related to “town” or “village” kids – only by age groups.

These necessary adjustments may result in some frustrations over changes. Please know that this is “new” for all of us and Cornwall’s leaders are working to minimize disruptions to your plans. Camp will run from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. -- an additional hour for those accustomed to COH’s Summer Playground schedule. And to make this work, the still well-below-market-value tuition rate has been set for ALL Cornwall and Cornwall-on-Hudson residents at $300.00 for the full six-week camp. This will require both Town Council and Village Board to subsidize monies to make “numbers” work and provide some financial relief for residents due to current sky-high inflation and rising “everything” costs.

As per the flyers, the Town of Cornwall Recreation Department (located at Munger Cottage) will handle registrations Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. There will be no separate Village registration. For families of campers accustomed to attending Summer Playground, we understand that Cornwall Elementary School at Lee Road slightly increases your commute for drop-off and pickups. If transportation is problematic, please notify Rec. Department staff at registration, and the Village will determine if numbers support provision of some type of shuttle service. Again, please be patient with us as we all deal with a “new normal” for near future. We fully understand how critical camp is for child development and working parents’ schedules. This Town, Village and CCSD collaboration was only viable and available solution here.  

On behalf of the Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano

Village Mayor


From Cornwall, New York’s Director of Office of Emergency Management Kurt Hahn:

If anyone is impacted by power outages or lack of heat – needing a place to warm up – call or text Director Hahn at (845) 629-6873 or email him at [email protected]

Also, be certain to report your outage to Central Hudson:

Director Hahn advises that currently still have 70 residents in Town of Cornwall without power and 21 in the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson. These dangerously frigid temperatures are no joke. Reach out to if need any assistance. OEM is providing warming center locations and information on social media. Check on your neighbors. We can assist, but need to know soonest! Town Supervisor Wojehowski and I remain connected with Cornwall OEM and will provide any updates on our municipal websites and Facebook pages when available.

URGENT: OEM 9:41 a.m. update:

Village 100% power restoration and 60 left to receive restoration of services in Town.

On behalf of the Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano

Mayor of Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York


Per the Village Clerk's Office: Our primary warming and cooling center for the Town of Cornwall and Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson:
Cornwall Public Library
395 Hudson Street
Cornwall, NY 12518
ATS Generator Power - Natural Gas installed June 2022
Normal Hours:
Mon-Thurs 9A-8P
Fri 9A-6P
Sat 9A-4P
Su 1P-4P
Secondary for after hours and demand activated by Cornwall OEM:
Munger Cottage
40 Munger Drive
Cornwall, NY 12518
845-534-8100 - Cornwall Dispatch has key to open
ATS Generator Power - Natural Gas

February 2, 2023
Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:
Here is my letter to the editor of the Cornwall Local, memorializing Cornwall-on-Hudson Head Mechanic James P. Sebesta and published on front page of Cornwall Local today:
Madam Editor:
Our Village family is grieving. Last week, following a brief illness, Cornwall-on-Hudson Head Mechanic James Paul Sebesta, 55, passed away while surrounded by loving family. Tragically, the sudden, unexpected loss has devastated the Sebesta family – longtime Cornwall residents, including two siblings who also serve our community as public servants. Sebesta’s passing has deeply affected Village employees who worked closely with him across the nearly 23 years he served within our Department of Public Works. Our DPW Superintendent Dave Halvorsen shared this with me: “Jim Sebesta took great pride in his work. He was always up for the challenge. If he didn’t have the tool he needed for a job – he would make one. His gift was fabrication; anything from storage racks, snow plow blades, and street sweeper accessories. He often selflessly put in time after work to assist employees with their personal vehicle issues.”
Jim’s older sister, Paula Sebesta-Howard, our Deputy Village Treasurer, allowed that her baby brother “loved tinkering with machines at a very young age.” Paula explained to me that when Jim was a child, he earned his knack for small engine repair by countless hours spent disassembling and reassembling engines with their father. Understandably emotional, she shared his three primary loves: Family (especially his grandkids), Camping, and NASCAR. I also know that Jim loved being an older brother to his little sister – Kristen Sebesta-Boyle. Kristen served as COVAC president for many years and spent countless hours serving our community in the emergency services realm. Witnessing her softly weep on the shoulder of Jim’s boss, Dave Halvorsen, on Thursday pulled on more heartstrings than I care to count.
In my current role, I had innumerable encounters with Jim, as he fiercely advocated for his guys as an elected CSEA representative. He was a fierce negotiator on matters that impacted “his guys” and his insight and command of the facts were something that he jokingly reminded me were coming from “a simple BOCES graduate.” That humility applied the perfect patina to his rough and tumble mien. There was nothing “simple” about Jim Sebesta. He accomplished more in 55 years than most could in a century. He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, Brother.
May his memory be a blessing.
On Behalf of the Village Board,
James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano
Mayor, Cornwall-on-Hudson

January 26, 2023


Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:

This is a message I dread having to share. This morning, at approximately 5:15 a.m., our Head Mechanic, Jim Sebesta, passed away. Surrounded by loving family at Westchester Medical Center, he fought a short, heroic battle for life. I have been in contact with both of his sisters – Paula Sebesta-Howard, our Deputy Village Treasurer and Kristen Sebesta-Boyle, who served our community for years as a first responder and president of COVAC. Suffice it to say, our Department of Public Works employees who knew Jim well and worked alongside him for many years, are devastated and distraught.

Jim was hired by the Village on April 10, 2000. For almost 23 years, he served our community with honor and distinction. As our Head Mechanic, he turned enough wrenches and made enough critical mechanical decisions across decades to keep our vehicle fleet safe and operational -- in order to deliver services that Village residents have become accustomed to and which they richly deserve.

My experiences in this position with Jim are related to CSEA union matters when he acted as a delegate and would respectfully come see me to discuss a contractual matter. He was a fierce advocate for “the men” – as he referred to his colleagues. And no matter how passionately he argued a point, he was respectful and civil. His last words to me several weeks ago: “Okay, Boss, I hear you. However, you know I have to speak up for my guys.”

THAT, was the essence of Jim Sebesta.

We, as a Village team are reeling. And we will honor our fallen member.

At my direction, flags within the Village have been lowered to half-mast. They will remain in this posture until our brother has been appropriately buried. Black and purple mourning bunting has been applied to the outside of Village Hall and to a vehicle in front of our DPW Building on Shore Road.

I’d like to personally thank Town Supervisor Josh Wojehowski and Highway Department Superintendent Tommy Gschwind. At the Supervisor’s direction, Town of Cornwall flags have been lowered to half-mast, as well, to honor Jim Sebesta. As Tommy told me today in a message expressing his condolences – “We are ONE Cornwall.” I will keep everyone apprised -- once funeral arrangements and services have been scheduled by the family. 

With heavy heart,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano

Mayor, Cornwall-on-Hudson