Village Notices


Please find the most up to date notices from the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson.

Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson
Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson's Article

Friday, May 29, 2020

Village Folks:


So, the Mid-Hudson Region has met the seven benchmarks required by Governor Andrew Cuomo to start moving out of the COVID-19 pause. We began reopening with Phase I of four phases on Tuesday, May 26. Phase 1 includes: construction; agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting; retail (curbside and in-store pickup/drop-off); manufacturing; and wholesale trade.


The latest COVID-19 casualty is the Village’s own Firemen’s Fair. Thanks to Jeff Armitage and the Storm King Engine crew for their efforts in producing the much-loved community event through the years. So, we look forward to 2021 fair. As Jeff says, “You won’t want to miss it.”  


The Village Board is waiting for guidance from the New York State Department of Health regarding summer camps. So, we still don’t know whether we can proceed with the Village’s Summer Recreation Program.

Village Hall doors remain closed at least through Monday, June 15. When we do re-open, you will see newly installed counter windows in the lobby to protect visitors and staff. The Village continues to hold its meetings virtually. You can contact us at 534-4200 or Our website is


The Food Bank of the Hudson Valley, right on Hudson Street in the Village, can always use volunteers (845-534-5344). The Food Bank supplies food pantries all over the Hudson Valley to feed the hungry. It’s essential work.


As we move forward, please continue to respect CDC guidelines: Maintain six feet between people and wear a mask when you can’t.


Enjoy your weekend. Stay Healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne


Friends & Neighbors,

                Our Firemen’s Fair has been a summer staple in the community for the past 69 years. Generations of our community have celebrated the summer season each year by partaking in the food, games, rides and all that the fair has to offer. For some who have attended as a child, they now relive that experience with their own children or even grandchildren. The celebration has continued without hesitation despite the many obstacles that have presented themselves over the course of all these years.

                The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced the cancellation or modification of many traditional spring and summer events in our community such the Memorial Day parade, River-Fest, High School graduation, and our community’s customary July 4th celebration. Unfortunately, our Firemen’s Fair is no different. 

                It is out of an abundance of caution and concern for the health and well-being of each and every member of the greater Cornwall-on-Hudson area that we must announce the cancellation of this year’s edition of our Firemen’s Fair. After careful and thoughtful collaboration with our partners, who assist us each year with its presentation, we found that there was no alternative other than its cancellation.

                We thank the Cornwall School District, Shamrock Shows, our local first responders, Village employees, Village Officials, the many businesses and you, our friends and neighbors, that have supported our Summer Fair each and every year. Without this support, we would not be able to conduct this event each year.

                So, we ask that you all mark your calendar for the 71st Edition of the Annual Storm King Firemen’s Fair to take place July 21 -24, 2021. We promise that you won’t want to miss it.  


Friday, May 22, 2020

Village Folks:


As Governor Andrew Cuomo gradually opens New York State from COVID-19 restrictions, it’s still important to comply with safety protocol, maintaining six-feet between people and wearing masks when you can’t.


Village Hall doors will remain closed at least through Monday, June 15. We are installing counter windows in the lobby area to protect visitors and staff. We held a virtual business meeting this past Monday and will continue to hold meetings virtually. Contact us at 534-4200 or Our website is


The Village Board has been discussing the Summer Recreation Program. At this time, we don’t know whether we can proceed.


The Village Department of Public Works did a great job in handling a very bulky cleanup this past week. Thanks! 

And the Village Police Department has been doing a fine job taking care of visitors to Storm King Mountain and Donahue Memorial Park. Thanks!


Please continue to support Village restaurants by ordering take-out meals: Painters, Pepettini’s, Rock Wall and Village Pizza.


Enjoy your weekend. Memorial Day is Monday. While there will be no parade this year, the Cornwall American Legion will hold a brief ceremony at the Veterans Memorial triangle. Let’s pause to remember those who have given their lives to preserve our freedom.


Stay Healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne




County of Orange, State of New York







Introduced by:            Deputy Mayor James P. Kane

Seconded by:              Trustee Kenneth A. Schmidt

Date of Adoption:       May 18, 2020


WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson on September 16, 2019, designating the board as Lead Agency and scheduling a public hearing to be held by said Governing Body on November 18, 2019 at 7:01 p.m. at Village Hall to hear all interested persons on a proposed Local Law authoring the Village to adopt regulations that set standards with respect to the installation of outdoor lighting, including standards that would minimize glare and impact on nearby residential properties, within the Village; and

WHEREAS, on September 16, 2019, the Village board, pursuant to part 617 of the implemented regulations of Article 8 of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), preliminarily determined that the adoption of said proposed Local Law was a Type I action; and

WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on November 18, 2019, at or about 7:01 p.m. at the Village Hall, and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed local law, entitled “Regulating the Installation and Use of Outdoor Lighting within the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson” (the “Local Law”); and

WHEREAS, after considering comments received from the public, the public hearing was extended on the successive dates of December 17, 2019, January 27, 2020, February 24, 2020, and March 23, 2020, at which time the Village Board referred a full record of the revised draft local law to the Village Planning Board and the Orange County Department of Planning in accordance with GML § 239-m, and extended the public hearing to April 20, 2020; and

WHEREAS, by correspondence dated April 20, 2020, the Planning Board advised the Village Board that it had no further comments with respect to the local law; and

WHEREAS, on April 20, 2020, the Village Board conducted the public hearing on the local law, closed the public hearing for further comment, except for receipt of written comments from the Orange County Department of Planning; and

WHEREAS, by correspondence dated May 1, 2020, the Orange County Department of Planning advised the Village Board that the adoption of the proposed local law would not result in any significant intermunicipal or county-wide impacts, and had no advisory comments with respect to the local law; and

WHEREAS, notice of said public hearings were duly advertised in the official newspaper of said Village, and noticed according to law; and

WHEREAS, the Village Board of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, has reviewed the draft local law, long form EAF and comments from the public, and after due deliberation thereon;


  1. the proposed local law is classified as a Type I action under SEQRA; it has no significant adverse environmental impacts and the Village Board issues a negative declaration thereon;
  2. the adoption of the proposed local law is in the best interests of the residents of the Village, and the Village Board hereby adopts said Local Law No. 1 of 2020, amending Chapter 172 of the Village Code, to add new Article XV, entitled “Regulating the Installation and Use of Outdoor Lighting with the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson”; and
  3. the Village Board hereby directs that the Village Clerk enter said Local Law in the minutes of this meeting and in the Local Law Book of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, and to give due notice of the adoption of said Local law to the Secretary of State of New York.


Upon Roll Call Vote:

Mayor Coyne:                         Aye                             Trustee Schmidt:                     Aye

Deputy Mayor Kane:              Aye                             Trustee Gagliano:                    Aye

Trustee Carnright:                   Aye    

Vote:  Resolution Carried by a vote of 5 to 0.




The Village of Cornwall on Hudson offices will be closed on Monday, May 25 in observance of Memorial Day. There will be no garbage pick up on Monday, sanitation crews will be collecting household trash for the entire Village on Tuesday, May 26.


Friday, May 15, 2020

Village Folks:

While Governor Andrew Cuomo has moved the pause button to May 28, New York State is moving closer to opening more businesses and facilities as our Mid-Hudson Region meets Phase 1 metrics dealing with COVID-19.

Please continue to comply with safety protocol, maintaining six-feet between people and wearing masks when you can’t. Please remain patient as rules are changing constantly.

Village Hall doors will remain closed through Monday, June 15, while we provide essential services; our boards will continue to hold meetings virtually. Contact us at 534-4200 or Our website is

The Village Board will hold its business meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, May 18, virtually.

The Village Bulk Pickup will start Monday, May 18.

The budget votes for Cornwall Central School District and Cornwall Public Library will be held Tuesday, June 9, by mail.

The Cornwall Independence Day Committee is planning a modified celebration on Saturday, July 4.

Have a good weekend. Take care as we move through this challenging time.  Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne




May 04, 2020

During the month of April, 2020’ I was contacted by, Mr. Dean Golemis, owner of Global Security and Investigative Services, 284 Main Street, Cornwall, N.Y. 12518. Mr. Golemis advised me that he recently read that the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., Police Department had applied for and received a Grant Award through, PERMA, Public Employee Risk Management Association, Inc., in the amount of approximately $1,775.00, for the purchase of five (5) Point Blank Bullet- Proof Vests and Bullet- Proof Vest Outer Carriers, which would cover half the costs of these listed items.

When Mr. Golemis contacted me he advised me that he wanted to make a formal donation to the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department to cover the other half of the costs accrued for these Bullet- Proof Vest’s and Bullet- Proof Vest Outer Carrier’s. Mr. Golemis advised me that he believed it was imperative that my officer’s had this new safety equipment immediately available to them stating, “this is my way of giving back to the Community.”

Obviously, this was tremendously thoughtful of Mr. Golemis, the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department is a very small police agency in Orange County, N.Y., and it means a great deal to my officers and I that we received such a generous donation.

Prior to owning Global Security and Investigative Services, Mr. Golemis served as a Deputy Sheriff with the Rockland County Sheriff’s Department where he finished out his 20 year career there as a, B.C.I., Bureau of Criminal Investigations, Investigator, so he’s very familiar with the daily risks and dangers Law Enforcement Officers face everyday.

Once again, on behalf of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., Police Department, thank you very much, Mr. Golemis, for your generous donation of $1,775.00 to this police agency!!  

Prepared and Submitted by,

Chief Steven E. Dixon

V/ Cornwall-on-Hudson PD


Friday, May 8, 2020

Village Folks:

Hope you all are well.

Governor Andrew Cuomo still has us on pause until at least Friday, May 15.

As you comply with safety procedures, please dispose of personal protective equipment properly.

As it did last month, the Village Board will combine its work session with its business meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, May 18, virtually. The date for village elections has changed yet again. The governor has announced they will take place Tuesday, September 15.

Village Water Superintendent Mike Trainor has posted educational briefs on Cornwall-on-Hudson’s water system in recognition of National Drinking Water Week this week. We are fortunate to have a reliable water system. You can access the briefs on the home page of the Village website: COH ON FACEBOOK.

This year’s Memorial Day services will include a brief ceremony on Monday, May 25; alas, there will be no parade. The Cornwall American Legion will be placing flags on graves on Saturday, May 16, and is seeking volunteers. From 9-10 that morning, adult volunteers can pick up flags at the American Legion building behind the Cornwall Library.

Village Hall doors remain closed while we provide essential services; our boards will continue to hold meetings virtually. Contact us at 534-4200 or Our website is

The pandemic brings to mind the special places called stoops and porches.

They provide us places to leave notes, gifts and food, and ways that help remind us of our humanity.

As we deal with this stressful time, it’s great to see how parents, sometimes with assistance from our first responders, help their children celebrate the all-important days of their birth. And while it can be hard to distinguish one day from another just now, remember this Sunday, May 10, is a special day. Happy Mother’s Day to all our wonderful mothers!

Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne


Friday, May 1, 2020


Village Folks:


A new month, with hopes that we will see some progress in how New York State deals with COVID-19. The pause button is still on until Friday, May 15.


Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced schools would not re-open this school year. Seniors will be graduating, however, and yard signs congratulating 2020 graduates are popping up. Our school district has a new superintendent. Terry Dade, from the Rochester school district, will start in July. Best wishes to Neal Miller, who served the district for seven years.


Village Hall doors remain closed while we provide essential services; our boards will continue to hold meetings virtually. If you have questions, contact us at 534-4200 or Our website is

So, some more ideas on what to do as the stay-at-home protocol continues. Hudson Highlands Nature Museum, with locations in the Village and the Town of Cornwall, provides places to visit, activities to try and animals to see at its website: With spring here, you may want to start a flower and/or vegetable garden. In addition to offering beauty and edibles, gardening burns 135 calories in 30 minutes and releases hormones that improve one’s frame of mind.

The Storm King Mountain trailhead has been quite busy lately. Scenic Hudson, which owns the trailhead, requests that hikers return at another time if the parking lot is full. 


When you can, please continue ordering take-out food to support our local businesses. And to our ever-expanding list of people we are grateful for, let’s add postal workers.

As we continue to cope with the pandemic, let’s help each other day by day.

Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne


Friday, April 24, 2020

Village Folks:

So, Village residents appear to have COVID-19 protocol down. We’ve sort of settled into a new routine.

Village government has been holding virtual meetings to keep providing essential services. If you have a question, please contact us at 534-4200 or for Village business. Visit our website ( for information on the Village.

A number of local events have been postponed or canceled due to the virus. The vehicle parade, planned by Cornwall-on-Hudson Elementary School that had been tentatively scheduled for today, has been postponed. The American Legion will conduct a brief ceremony on Memorial Day but no parade. I’m sorry to report that RiverFest has been canceled.

Governor Cuomo has not said anything new about when our schools will open. And the pause button is still on until Friday, May 15.

While life has come to a standstill in many ways, lots of activities are taking place virtually. People are setting up gatherings, taking classes and touring all over the world. You can get some ideas by joining Things to Do in the Hudson Valley on Facebook. Please continue to support our local businesses by ordering take-out food when you can.

In addition to our health professionals and first responders, let’s be grateful to clergy and therapists who help us deal with anxiety and saying farewell to loved ones.

I thank you for your patience in complying with safety protocol. Let’s continue to help each other get through this challenging time.


Stay healthy!

Brendan G. Coyne
