Village Notices


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Mayor’s Message ALERT Village Flag Protocol Update Edition

January 16, 2025

Mayor’s Message ALERT [Village Flag Protocol Update Edition]:

Dear Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, visitors, and friends,

On Wednesday, I posted a “Mayor’s Message” that, in part, addressed my decision to follow the stated protocols of the 119th Congress and the House of Representatives, as well as various state governments, in briefly re-raising Village flags during the thirty-day prescribed mourning period for President Carter. What I felt was a reasonable accommodation decision was arrived at with considerable reflection and introspection – related to how polarized this country currently is and how any/every decision seemingly must be filtered through the partisan political prism of what one’s “tribe” prefers. As your mayor for the past four years, I have never made ANY decision subject to politics or “optics.” What continually guides me is what I feel is right, just, and fair. Fairly liberating not being career politician. Promised our community to only seek two terms.

While many understood and supported this accommodation to honor President Carter -- and yet apply a brief exception to policy by re-raising of Village flags to full-mast position to celebrate uniquely American transfer of power in Republic -- others reacted on social media with apoplexy over my decision. It was MY decision, and I own it. But I’m also the guy with the desk nameplate that reads: “Help Me Get to Yes.” No, it wasn’t the threats I received from obvious partisans incapable of accepting the results of the 2024 election and who literally hate the president-elect. It also wasn’t the vocal minority of opponents, some who retreated to Reddit to gin up a petition, in vain attempt to alter Village policy. We live in a wonderful democratic society and I serve ALL of you – not only the ones who support my positions. Our community deserves an advocate and seeks to have individual voices heard. Yet, may happen, as General Colin Powell so aptly put it, that “[b]eing responsible sometimes means pissing people off.”

As I further researched, I determined exists precedent. President Harry S. Truman passed away on December 26, 1972. He was afforded customary 30-day presidential mourning period replete with U.S. flags ordered to half-mast position. This included inauguration ceremonies for President Richard M. Nixon’s January 20, 1973, swearing in on Capitol Hill [see attendant photograph]. I certainly understand that much of the anger at my original decision is rooted in partisanship. No amount of explaining reasoning behind my decision will assuage rabid ideologues and those who adhere to their orthodoxy that ignores frailties in their “tribe,” while eagerly pointing out faults in their political opponents. As I write this, no less a Trump opponent than Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) just directed California’s state flags to be re-raised in honor of inauguration. However, I direct our Village keeps its flags at half-mast position on Monday, January 20th. Isn’t a victory for partisans. It’s – in my mind – the right thing to do now. 

On behalf of your Village Board,

James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano


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