June 30, 2022
Mayor’s Message (Independence Day and Infrastructure Repairs Edition):
Dear Cornwall-on-Hudson residents, neighbors, and friends:
Well, as the kids would say – “It’s been about a minute.” Which translated for us Boomers and Gen. X’ers means … It has been ages since my last drafted “mayor’s message.” Please do not interpret that to mean that there is nothing going on. We have been busier, as the saying goes, than a cross-eyed rooster on an anthill.
You might have noticed the multitude of infrastructure projects underway in the Village. Some have been long-planned, such as the impending full milling and paving by NYS of 218. You’ll see workers retrofitting and pouring concrete for curbs and sidewalks adjacent to crosswalks, according to ADA-compliance standards. Note that we, the Village DPW, took on repaving the stretch of Hudson that isn’t part of 218, from Academy to First Street, last month. And you have probably seen sidewalk projects that we have contracted for repairs and/or replacement along Idlewild Avenue, as well as the length of Second Street from St. Thomas R.C. Church down to Academy.
Monies spent on critical infrastructure such as transportation byways (of which pedestrian footpaths and vehicular thoroughfares are included) are certainly well worth it. Of course, we cannot replace or “make new again” everything all at one time. But hasn’t precluded us from putting together short-term and long-term plans that “triage” levels of immediacy. Goal here is not to gouge you with taxes – but to be smart about our budget and time/money investments with our department personnel. Believe we have found the appropriate “sweet spot.” In areas where we simply cannot replace sidewalks this season, we have contracted out for concrete-cutting to smooth jagged edges and limit the dangers posed by the asymmetry of broken or lifted concrete.
We will also continue our “re-foliation” efforts in parks and along streets. You’ll notice some of the plantings last Fall along Hudson Street were strategically placed (not under power lines) and carefully selected for their indigenous, non-invasive, and height-restricted qualities. These trees are not just aesthetically pleasing, they help the environment and contribute to our community’s sustainability and resiliency.
Here are some photos to highlight the above efforts:
Water Superintendent Trainor providing me site walk-throughs at the Chestnut and Mill Streets water main and sidewalk projects (both in the Town) today.

Second Street sidewalk replacement (one).

Second Street sidewalk replacement (two).

Hudson Street sidewalk replacement (by Cumberland Farms).

Mountain Road and Hudson Street (218) NYS sidewalk repair.

Church Street and Hudson Street (218) NYS sidewalk repair.

Idlewild (near River Avenue intersection) concrete repair and polishing

Idlewild and Park Street sidewalk replacement.

Hudson Street planting (one).

Hudson Street planting (two).

Great news for those who love Cornwall’s Independence Day celebration. Word on the street is that following the 2020 cancellation due to the pandemic and last year’s streamlined (no fireworks) 2021 version – We’re BACK BIGTIME in 2022! For entire schedule and information about Monday’s events, go to: www.cornwall4th.org
One last scheduling note: The Cornwall-on-Hudson Special Events Committee advises that due to the threat of rain on Saturday, “A League of Their Own” is being moved up to Friday (tomorrow). Movie begins right after sundown, around 9:30 p.m. at DMP.
As you can well see – lots going on ‘round these parts. Stay safe and healthy. And, have a wonderful Independence Day weekend. Village Hall will be closed on Monday.
On behalf of the Village Board,
Mayor James A. “Jimmy” Gagliano